Miss Celebrations USA
Nationals 2025
"Heroes vs Villains"
National Dates are: February 27th, February 28th, and March 1st 2025
How to Compete at Nationals 2025
Basic Registration
The Basic Registration that you won at an MCUSA preliminary pageant or received by purchasing an Appointed/Delegate Title allows you to compete at Nationals 2025 with your Basic Entry Fee Waived!! This includes your Beauty Wear and Celebrations Wear parts of the National competition.
It is important to compete in as many optional competitions as possible. Your overall score for your Divisional National Title is comprised of your Beauty wear score, your Celebrations wear score, AND your one highest optional score. In case of a tie, we will use your next highest scoring optional to determine the winner of the division.
Those Optional Competitions are:
Valentine's Wear ($55)
Patriotic Wear ($55)
Christmas Wear ($55)
Fun Fashion ($55)
Interview ($75)
Photogenic ($75)
( Photogenic is not used as your highest optional score because it can lead to a National Title!)
Fashionista ($75)
( Fashionista is not used as your highest optional score because it can lead to a National Title!)
National T-Shirt
Everyone must purchase a 2025 keepsake National T-Shirt for $25. Everyone will
wear their t-shirt and denim bottoms during Parade of Queens/Kings
as well as Interview. T-Shirt must be purchased at the time you register. You are
not considered registered until your National t-shirt is paid.
We will NOT have extra t-shirts so please make sure to order the correct size.
Size Guide:
Toddler Size Width Length
2T 11 in 15in
3T 12 in 16 in
4T 13 in 17 in
Shirt Size: Chest:
Youth X-Small (4-6) 25-26 in.
Youth Small (6-8) 26-28 in.
Youth Medium (10-12) 28-30 in.
Youth Large (14-16) 30-32 in.
Youth X-Large (18-20) 32-34 in.
Adult X-Small 32-34 in.
Adult Small 34-36 in.
Adult Medium 38-40 in.
Adult Large 41-43 in.
Adult X-Large 44-46 in.
Adult 2X 47-49 in.
Adult 3X 50-53 in.
Each contestant (Queens and Kings) must have at least ONE full page ad in our Official Miss Celebrations USA National Pageant keepsake program book!
See www.misscelebrationsusa.com/nationalsponsorship
for information and ideas on how to acquire sponsorships.
All national title winners will receive their national crown, embroidered sash
with stones, and their Royalty gift bag.
Signature Titles
(These are National Titles!)
National Cover Model---The Contestant that collects the MOST Sponsorship Ad Fees
National Spirit of Celebrations--- The Contestant who brings the MOST non-perishable food items to Nationals to be donated to the Food Bank. We will take into account the quality and quantity of items. Example: A case of water is NOT 24 items, it will be counted as 1 item...etc. Also, please check the expiration dates!!! We will not accept anything that is expired! We understand that nationals may be further away for some people than others so we want to remind you we do accept gift cards to grocery stores and other places where nonperishable food items can be purchased.
National Community Leader--- The MCUSA National Community service Title will be chosen by a panel. This panel will consist of the National Directors Team and Judges. We will be watching throughout the year for the special someone who we feel best represents the Miss Celebrations USA program. The Contestant who does the best job of representing her title during her reign will be crowned our National Community Service Title.
National Royal Miss/Mr.--- National Royal Miss is another coveted Title. It cost a lot of money to put together a National Pageant Program! Just the convention space at Nationals runs into the tens of thousands. Royal Miss votes helps us to maintain the high quality that you have come to expect from our National Team! Family and friends have the option of voting for the Royal Miss Title. Votes are $1 each. Individuals may vote as often as they like and may purchase as many votes as they like for their favorite contestant. The page that you can give to your family and friends so that they can vote for Royal Miss is www.misscelebrationsusa.com/nationalroyalmiss
Remember, your contestants Photo will not appear on the National Royal Miss page on the website until that contestant has at least 50 votes!!
National Host--- National Host is another Title that is very important to our program. Nationals is about rewarding all contestants who have worked hard all year to help people in need in their local communities. We want everyone who attends Nationals to leave feeling like they have been to one BIG PARTY! Our National Hostess program helps to achieve that goal. By collecting and donating "gifts and prizes" of all types and bringing them to Nationals helps us to have the "CASH BASH PARTY". If you are interested in this important Title you will need to keep track of the Retail Value of each item you are donating. Again, this Title will be judged by our panel of judges and the National Directors Team. It will be based on quantity, quality, and usefulness!
Please note, when determining the Retail Value to use, think about this...We will be using Amazon to check the validity of your Retail Value. If however, you find a great deal....like you find an item that retails for $10 but it is on closeout for just $1...you get to claim the $10 value!! Please make sure that you are donating NEW and USEFUL items that you would like to BID on at the Cash Bash Party!!
National Miss and Mr. Photogenic--- You have the option, for a fee, to enter 3 photos in our National Photogenic Competition. We will name 2 overall National photogenic winners, 1 National Miss Photogenic and 1 National Mr. Photogenic. You must enter 3 photos (these are the same photos that you enter for divisional photogenic) however, you can add more photos if you like for a small fee. The tabulator will use your 3 highest scoring photos for your composite score. If you
do not submit at least 3 photos you will have an incomplete score. Contestant must be
the only person in the photo. One of the main things judged upon is quality.
Miss/Mr. Fashionista
You will have the opportunity to show off your fashion skills with our t-shirt
redesign contest. You will receive a t-shirt a few weeks prior to Nationals, that you
decorate and redesign. Your shirts will be scored during the Parade of Queens
and Kings. The overall highest scoring t-shirt will be crowned 2025 National Miss
or Mr. Fashionista.
National Supreme Miss/Mr. Celebrations USA--- We will
also be crowning 4 National Supreme Titles! These 4 Titles are the 4 highest scoring contestants in the entire competition based off of their scores and divisional placement ....EG. We will award 1 Supreme in the Baby-Petite divisions, 1 Supreme in the Young-Teen divisions, 1 Supreme in the Miss-Elite divisions, and 1 Mr. Celebrations USA Supreme. Each Supreme winner will be awarded a $500 prize.
National Mr. Celebrations USA
(Crowning 7 Mr. Divisions)
Baby Mr. Celebrations 0-23 months
Tiny Mr. Celebrations 2-4 years
Little Mr. Celebrations 5-6 years
Young Mr. Celebrations 7-9 years
Pre-Teen Mr. Celebrations 10-12 years
Teen Mr. Celebrations 13-16 years
Mr. Celebrations 17-18 years
These contestants will also have their Basic Entry Fee Waived if they have won the MCUSA Photogenic Competition or have an Appointed Title! This includes your Formal wear and Celebrations wear parts of the competition.
Mr. Celebrations contestants can also participate in the optional competitions.
To Complete the Registration for Nationals 2024
1. Fill out the confirmation form below.
2. Pay for your National T-Shirt. You are not considered registered until your t-shirt is paid for.
3. Choose your additional optionals or purchase the ALL-IN package ( Payment plans are available, to set up a payment plan contact Rebecca at rebecca@misscelebrationusa.com ( ALL PAYMENT PLANS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE)
4. Make your hotel reservations. The host hotel for the 2025 National pageant is Boardwalk Beach Hotel & Convention Center
9600 South Thomas Drive
Panama City Beach, Florida 32408
Please call the Reservations team at 1-800-224-4853 to reserve your room.
5. Read the Official National Competition and the National Policies page by clicking the links below~
If you are using IOS or any Apple product you have to be in Safari to properly use links. Dual browsing through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will not work unless you are in a dedicated browser( IE SAFARI)
National T-Shirt
Arm Bands for Entry
Children 2 and under are free
(Contestants do not need an armband)
Includes: Basic Entry (Celebrations Wear and Beauty Wear)
Patriotic Wear ($55)
Valentine's Wear ($55)
Christmas Wear ($55)
Fun Fashion ($55)
Fashionista ($75)
Interview ($75)
Photogenic ($75)
TOTAL $385
(This is a $60 discount)
All in Entry
Things to remember: If you would like to participate in the payment plan contact
Email Rebecca at rebecca@misscelebrationsusa.com
to start a payment plan.
Individual Optionals
A La Carte
Schedule to be announced closer to Nationals​
Check in for Nationals 2025 will be Thursday, February 27th
Check in TBA
Friday Main competitions beginning
Friday Night -- 7 pm Cash Bash Auction
Saturday Competitions continue
Saturday evening Crowning (If scores are tallied)
Schedule subject to change based on number of contestants
MISS CELEBRATIONS Optional Competitions
Additional Photo $ 25
Valentines Themed Wear $55
Patriotic Themed Wear $55
Christmas Wear $55
Fun fashion $55
Fashionista $75
Interview $75